How to write an inclusive job ad
How to write an inclusive job ad?
Do job descriptions and the attributes of a good candidate give you nightmares? Do you spend too much time reading and re-reading your job postings to make sure they’re free of subtle bias?
Two free tools to make your job posting more inclusive
These two semantic analysis tools offer you a quick way to optimize your job offers and job descriptions to reach a wider pool of candidates from diverse backgrounds, while respecting the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion.
👉 Equal Skills Analyzer
This tool comes to us from France, and is supported by the Minister Delegate for Equality between Women and Men, Diversity and Equal Opportunities.
It’s a semantic analysis tool that optimizes job offers, advertisements and job descriptions to guarantee a wider and more diverse spectrum of candidates, and thus make your job ad inclusive. This analyzer was developed following a study of over 500,000 job offers in France, published in early 2021.
Please note: This is a French tool designed for France. The legal recommendations concern France and not Quebec. There is some confusion for the Quebec market, but it is free and French-speaking, facts rare enough to be highlighted. To be used with a grain of salt, then!
👉 Gender Decoder
This tool is inspired by a study written by Danielle Gaucher, Justin Friesen and Aaron C. Kay in 2011, entitled “Evidence That Gendered Wording in Job Advertisements Exists and Sustains Gender Inequality”.
The research team showed men and women job advertisements that included different types of gender-coded language. They noted how attractive the jobs looked, and how “at home” the participants felt in that profession.
Please note: No non-binary people were included in this research, and it did not address non-binary code words, either. This tool is built to work for the English language. We tested French job offers translated into English by Google translate. The tool seems to be effective in highlighting the problems associated with gendered ads.
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