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How can you get your team to think about the impact of prejudice or discrimination? With this card game!

Does your team of human resources consultants lack the resources to encourage group reflection on discrimination and prejudice?

Equiliste is a card game that enables participants to think deeply and deconstruct prejudices.

The game is easy to play: each person in turn chooses a card and reads the question to the others. After 30 seconds, each person must give an answer, illustrating it with an example. When everyone has answered, the cardholder can then read out versos 1 and 2 of his or her card to the others.

On each card is a question based on a specific situation, on the reverse is statistical data or relevant information, followed by a concrete example of a person in the situation described.

This project was initiated and developed by Humanov-is, a social innovation organization whose mission is to support transformations in social relations.

This game, piloted by a designated person in the company, could lead to a better understanding of each person, and better expression of their thoughts.

Who knows, maybe some employees will be touched directly or indirectly by the questions, and help you to understand a situation that was completely unknown to you? An organization’s employees from different backgrounds and fields of expertise, who respect each other and exchange ideas, contribute to product and service innovation and a better atmosphere within the company.

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